Sunday, November 15, 2009

I need to identify a yellow flower that blooms at night?

The flowers open fairly rapidly and close in the morning. It also resembles a tobacco plant. I live on the SC coast.

I need to identify a yellow flower that blooms at night?
I think you have a Datura but which one I don't know. Mine is pure white and opens just as you describe and quite fragrant. And yes, it is related to tobacco. If there are any fruits or pods on the plant they should be spiny. See link below for a more complete discussion.
Reply:It could be an Evening Primrose. The flower is about the size of a quarter and has a sweet smell. The flower has 4 petals. A picture would help make the i.d. easier.
Reply:not sure
Reply:there is a plan ti know as " four o'clock"

it has blooms like tobacco ( nicotina)

blooms in the afternoon and closes again . Also come in dark pink
Reply:four o'clocks. they grow like crazy! they can grow very fast and do best in the shade or in cooler places like beside a basement or under trees. they constantly drop seeds. if you plant just one in the spring, you will have a garden by summer. they really are pretty and make up for bushes that take a long time to grow and four o'clocks do great against blights and diseases. they dont really have a smell but they are a wonderful little starter plant and can grow very tall. good luck with them :) they are hard to kill too. so if you mow over them and didnt mean to, they will be back.

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