Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why did our brussel sprouts plant just turn into yellow flowers?

we love growing stuff we can eat so last year we planted some brussel sprouts for the 1st timw, all we have are lovely yellow flowers though, which ive left growing in the garden , but what went wrong

Why did our brussel sprouts plant just turn into yellow flowers?
What happened was, I stole your brussels! Yummy!! You have to plant them every year, even if your seeds said perennial, they are not really. They only get brussels the first year, and only the flowers the next, and then they sometimes fade out. If you wait till next year you might get some brussels back, but then you'll still get them only every other year. And that's IF the flowers are good seeders. Not always the case :o(. I'd plant them every year, or 2 years in a row every 2 years.
Reply:They are biennial. That is, they gow one year for produce brussells and the second year they flower/go to seed. Cabbage is the same way. You need to replant each year.
Reply:Maybe you planted the wrong seeds?
Reply:Briefly,the plants have gone to seed.Brussels sprout seedlings should be planted about now,to produce sprouts in the autumn.

They need planting very firmly and the soil should contain lime.

Last season was cold and wet,maybe the plants never got properly established.

It's advisable to remove and destroy the old plants,which will be harbouring pests and diseases like club root.
Reply:are they not a bit like strawberries, when its in flower then they grow into strawberries.
Reply:the plants start with flowers like many vegetables, and then turn to the vegetable after the flowers have pollinated.

Don't get rid of the flowers because then you won't get any crops.
Reply:Brussels sprouts are a challenge to grow. You need perfect conditions and maybe some luck as well. When you buy brussels sprout plants, they are often already stunted, and will not produce.
Reply:You most probarbly didnt give them enough water lol

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