Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spanish verison of "ode to some yellow flowers" by pablo neruda?

"Oda a Unas Flores Amarillas"

Contra el azul moviendo sus azules,

el mar, y contra el ecielo,

unas flores amarillas.

Octubre llega.

Y aunque sea

tan importante el mar desarrollando

su mito, su misión, su levadura,


sobre la arena oro

de una sola

planta amarilla

y se amarran

tus ojos

a la tierra,

huyen del magno mar y sus latidos.

Polvo somos, seremos.

Ni aire, ni fuego, ni agua



sólo tierra


y tal vez

unas flores amarillas.

Spanish verison of "ode to some yellow flowers" by pablo neruda?

De aquellos azahares


por la luz de la luna,

de aquel

olor de amor


hundido en la fragancia


del limonero el amarillo,

desde su planetario

bajaron a la tierra los limones.

¡Tierna mercadería!

Se llenaron las costas,

los mercados,

de luz, de oro


y abrimos

dos mitades

de milagro,

ácido congelado

que corría

desde los hemisferios

de una estrella,

y el licor más profundo

de la naturaleza,

intransferible, vivo,


nació de la frescura

del limón,

de su casa fragante,

de su ácida, secreta simetría.

En el limón cortaron

los cuchillos

una pequeña


el ábside escondido

abrió a la luz los ácidos vitrales

y en gotas

resbalaron los topacios,

los altares,

la fresca arquitectura.

Así, cuando tu mano

empuña el hemisferio

del cortado

limón sobre tu plato

un universo de oro



copa amarilla

con milagros,

uno de los pezones olorosos

del pecho de la tierra,

el rayo de la luz que se hizo fruta,

el fuego diminuto de un planeta.

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Tercer libro de las odas. Buenos Aires, 1957

Information about yellow tulip flower?

Specifically, i want to know the scientific name and the meaning behind "the yellow tulip". I've tried wikipedia and a bunch of google searches, but I just can't seem to find the information I want about them.

Any flower gardeners out there that can help me out?

Information about yellow tulip flower?
Tulip (Yellow) - There's Sunshine in Your Smile
Reply:i'm pretty darn sure the scientific name for it is: tulipa fosteriana. which is "golden Emperor" aka "Golden purissima" aka "yellow emperor"

the meaning: it's evolved from "hopeless love" to "cheerful thoughts and sunshine"
Reply:Tulipa x hybrida or Tulipa sp. If you mean just basic tulips, their ancestry is so mixied up , and been domesticated so long (1500's, at least), that there's no species, as we normally think of it.


I need to identify a yellow flower that blooms at night?

The flowers open fairly rapidly and close in the morning. It also resembles a tobacco plant. I live on the SC coast.

I need to identify a yellow flower that blooms at night?
I think you have a Datura but which one I don't know. Mine is pure white and opens just as you describe and quite fragrant. And yes, it is related to tobacco. If there are any fruits or pods on the plant they should be spiny. See link below for a more complete discussion.
Reply:It could be an Evening Primrose. The flower is about the size of a quarter and has a sweet smell. The flower has 4 petals. A picture would help make the i.d. easier.
Reply:not sure
Reply:there is a plan ti know as " four o'clock"

it has blooms like tobacco ( nicotina)

blooms in the afternoon and closes again . Also come in dark pink
Reply:four o'clocks. they grow like crazy! they can grow very fast and do best in the shade or in cooler places like beside a basement or under trees. they constantly drop seeds. if you plant just one in the spring, you will have a garden by summer. they really are pretty and make up for bushes that take a long time to grow and four o'clocks do great against blights and diseases. they dont really have a smell but they are a wonderful little starter plant and can grow very tall. good luck with them :) they are hard to kill too. so if you mow over them and didnt mean to, they will be back.

Why are the leaves on my geranium flower turning yellow?

i have always heard to pull off the leaves when they turn yellow and new ones will grow back. well, i have plenty of flower blooms, but no leaves, and it doesn't look like any new leaves are coming in. any suggestions?

Why are the leaves on my geranium flower turning yellow?
It could be you have been over-watering or perhaps you over-fertilized and burned the leaves.
Reply:check the soil and the roots of the plants. Two problems, one too much water, two bugs. if the soil is too wet let it dry out some before watering again. If its bugs there are several products on the market. Also the nitrogen in the soil may be too rich. I use miracle grow potting soil that has a balance of nitrogen in the soil.
Reply:you are watering the flowers to much
Reply:Needs feeding and probably does not have good drainage. Make sure there is drain holes in the bottom of the pot. Feed with Miracle grow, they love it and it will grow leaves back. Good Luck.
Reply:could be lack of sufficient light or water. Geraniums usually can tolerate a lot of neglect - they do best that way. If you fertilise too much you get leaves instead of flowers. your plant seems to b the opposite so I think it could be either the light situation or water.

hope that helps
Reply:I believe you are over-watering the poor thing.

How do flowers come up every year?¿?

My mom and dad planted these tulips (I think that's what they're: yellow flower type plants) around our mailbox and every year they come up, how is it that they continue to come up after all these years?¿

How do flowers come up every year?¿?
they are perennial bulbs, plant once and they grow year after year, difference between annuals and perennials, annuals need to be planted every year (in most cases) then there are biannuals....
Reply:It's what they do....plants have been doing it for millions of years. The grass in your yard does it too.

What is the yellow flower called all along Interstate 5 in Washington State?

Im not sure if its a flower or weed but they are beautiful and they are EVERYWHERE just don't know their name

What is the yellow flower called all along Interstate 5 in Washington State?
You probably mean Scotch Broom....Cal

shoe buckles

Is their an inuyasha episode where him and kagome are in a feild of yellow flowers talking?

Please tell me the number of the ep.

Is their an inuyasha episode where him and kagome are in a feild of yellow flowers talking?
hm i thought is movie 3rd where inuyasha lose his necklance abt the e i not sure maybe u give a briek descripition abt wat happened like their conversation
Reply:Maybe you can find it here

A North American plant with white or yellow flowers. the root is used to help with abdominal pain. Any ideas?

I don't about the flowers but COLOCYNTYH will help for abdominal pain, menstrual colic etc. The main symptom is that the person gets relief by pressing into the abdomen or bending forward and by heat.

A North American plant with white or yellow flowers. the root is used to help with abdominal pain. Any ideas?
will try to find out - google?
Reply:Google came up with:


jurubeba, carqueja, artichoke, erva tostão, kalanchoe, epazote, clavillia, abuta, bitter melon, fedegoso, chuchuhuasi

Personally I have no idea!!!
Reply: Check this website out as it has loads of American wildflowers

Does anyone know who painted the yellow painting with white and blue flowers in the Zyrtec commercial?

Vaughn goal

Does anyone know who painted the yellow painting with white and blue flowers in the Zyrtec commercial?

Joking no sorry I don't know.

You have found a new species of plants some have yellow and some have red flowers there offspring are orange?

diagram the cross

what type of relationship would you assume exsists betweeen the alleles for the gene conrolling trait what is the type of geonotypic and phenotyipic ratio would u expect in the offspring F1 cross

You have found a new species of plants some have yellow and some have red flowers there offspring are orange?
It is a co-dominant phenomena. The phenotypes of the offspring will be orange, red, and yellow. The ration of both genotype and phenotype will be 1 to 2 to 1, with respect of red, orange, and yellow.

for shoe lasts

I found a silly painting of big yellow flowers in my attic?

It was only signed 'vincent' so I took it to my local car boot and got £30 for it. Not bad for a piece of rubbish hey?

I found a silly painting of big yellow flowers in my attic?
Lol same thing happened to me a few weeks ago.
Reply:Exactly, still its only money lol, cheers for the points, appreciated. Report It

Reply:Same happened to me. I found one of a large lady with a silly smile on her face and I painted a moustache and a pair of glasses on her. Some one told me later it was a Leonardo da Vinci ( seems a silly name for a painting).

You should have taken it to an auctioneer or someone to get it valued...

Imagine if it was worth hundreds?

Ahhh, you're kicking yourself now, aintcha?!
Reply:£30? That's a bit over the top, isn't it? You could buy 60 Crunchies for that ...
Reply:I hope this is a joke shug.

I've found where a snake had clothed itself once- it shed it's skin. xo
Reply:was there blood that looked like it had come from a severed ear on it? if so you have been dewed out my friend.
Reply:thats good as it was only worth 2/6
Reply:well done
Reply:i wouldnt have paid that much for was probably a shite

What color vest should my date get if I have a yellow-gold dress?

He has a black tux with a white shirt, but we still can not find what color would best match me. I'm getting him a yellow flower.

And also what color shoes would look best? I'm thinking an open toes sliver.

What color vest should my date get if I have a yellow-gold dress?
black shoes... yellow flower and maybe a beige/light yellow shirt... white is fine

you are the center of attention... he'll look good next to you no matter what he's wearing

How can i cross pollinate 2 different flowers?

i have wild flower seeds and some yellow flowers out side that look like tulips.... so when i do plant the wild flowers, how do i mix the two of them. please try to be specific.

How can i cross pollinate 2 different flowers?
I would just plant them close together.I have a large rose bush that has pink blooms and red blooms as a result of putting them together.IT'S UNUSUAL AND BEAUTIFUL.It's only one plant now and I have no idea how it happened.

What is the definition and the chemical components of the yellow creeper?

yellow creeper or Imelda grass . it is a common Philippine grass which is characterize by a thorny stem and a yellow flower.

What is the definition and the chemical components of the yellow creeper?
Imelda grass should be another name for Manila grass, Zoysia matrella, which is creeping and has yellow flowers:

Here you find some not really precise descriptions about containing water, sugar, protein and chlorophyll:

If you need more informations, try to google the scientific name for better results.

Graphics software

In Kauai Hawaii there are these flowers. They change 3 colors in 24 hours From yellow to apricot to red. name?

do you know the name of them?

In Kauai Hawaii there are these flowers. They change 3 colors in 24 hours From yellow to apricot to red. name?
I think you might be talking about Hawaiian lobelioids.
Reply:Some Plumerias will change color during the day. It is a result of heat and humidity. Plumerias are the flower you normally see in Lei's.

What colour/type of flowers would you use for yellow bridsmaids?

white roses es

What colour/type of flowers would you use for yellow bridsmaids?
Mmm.. it really depends on your taste. Tulips are great and orchids are beautiful but really expensive. Maybe roses. You could go with lilies too.. or a Calla lily.. my favorite. Crysanthemums are nice too.. check my questions for a flower site..
Reply:white orchids, pale pink prim roses, yellow tulips (depending on shade)
Reply:White orchids or iris

The flowers have fallen off my orchid & the stem is a little yellow, have I killed it? How do I make it better

There really isn't enough information to be able to tell you what is wrong. It could be that your orchid is finished flowering and the stalk is dying back in which case you can just cut it off. It could be that you are over watering it in which case you need to cut back on the water. If the leaves of your orchid are wrinkled and creased as well as the stalk turning yellow then you are not watering enough. We need more information on how you've been caring for it and if you've done anything different to it lately like repotting, moving it to a new location, or feeding it. We also need to what kind of Orchid it is to be able to help you better.

The flowers have fallen off my orchid %26amp; the stem is a little yellow, have I killed it? How do I make it better
depends on the specie.some -flower on shoots.others flower on new shoots every year.borrow a book from library.
Reply:orchids bloom once per year.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?

if certain places need a vendor's id, that's not an issue. this is for a cousin's wedding scheduled in november. we're looking for tropical - birds of paradise, plumeria - or yellow flowers in general.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?
Just check the yellow pages in your area. You have a vendors license so there shouldn't be any problem.

graffiti tags

Poisonous nortern temperate plant with yellow hood-like flowers?


Poisonous nortern temperate plant with yellow hood-like flowers?
This is Aconitum ssp. Family Ranunculaceae.

Common names...wolfs bane, monkshood, aconite.

All parts can be fatal if ingested. They grow naturally in forest areas and along creek banks, they prefer a moist soil. Cultivars of this plant are used as herbaceous perennials in borders.

They have semi trailing stems with the upper part of the flower resembling a hood or helmet

Aconitum vulparia

a member of the buttercup family
Reply:Winter aconite, small flower about 1/2 inch across starting to flower now.

What is the name of a yellow flower or any flower that closes immediately when wet (rain)?

just wanted to know, because i remember seeing one when i was very young. thanks

What is the name of a yellow flower or any flower that closes immediately when wet (rain)?
Many flowers close at dusk as the light fades or temperatures cool off. For those that are light sensitive they will similarly close with heavy cloud cover. The Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus actually worked out a clock based upon flowers to tell time.

The scarlet pimpernel opens its flower at 8:00 AM and closes it at 2:00 PM. The dandelion opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM. The morning glory opens at 10:00 and closes at dusk. The water lily opens at noon and closes at 2:00 PM. Goatsbeard opens at noon and closes at 6:00 pm. California poppy opens at 1:00 PM and closes at dusk. Chicory opens at 2:00 PM and closes at 5:00 PM. Four-o'clock opens at 4:00 PM and evening primose opens at 6:00 PM.

This is the origin of the weather saying:

When the pink-eyed pimpernel closes in the day time it is a sign or rain.

Pimpernel, pimpernel, tell me true

Whether the weather will be fine or no;

No heart can think, no tongue can tell,

The virtues of the pimpernel

Folk lore journal from 1889

Closed is the pink-eyed pimpernel:

`Twill surely rain;

I see with sorrow,

Our jaunt must be put off to-morrow.

Anagallis arvensis is the Scarlet Pimpernel. The petals are very sensitive, the flowers closing at once if the sky becomes overcast and threatens rain. Typically opening between eight and nine in the morning and shutting up before three o'clock in the afternoon.

The flowers of Oxalis martiana open in the morning and close in the afternoon also.

Tulips %26amp; crocus close when it gets cooler primarily but they also respond to light this way.

The purpose of closing may be to protect the reproductive organs when the day pollinators are not available. Bees for example need bright, warm weather to fly.
Reply:could be sundrops , my wife grows them...

What are the best flowers to plant so deer wont eat them...?

would like to plant some red or yellow flowers,that deer dont like to eat..


What are the best flowers to plant so deer wont eat them...?
One of the best sites I have seen is the one listed has more ideas than I can name here, but check it out...scroll to the bottom of the page.
Reply:Plant some cactus here and there.
Reply:I swear our deer will eat rocks!

I can't find a flower they won't damage.

I love the deer but they are stretching my patience.
Reply:Our deer seem to eat everything!!!! Try going to a local nursery, they will be knowledgable about this. Or, give them a call. I have decided hanging baskets are the only way to go for us.
Reply:There is no plant Deer won't eat. You can purchase "Big Cat" (lion and tiger) manure from the garden centers. This practice was discovered in China and is just now catching on in the states. They have learned that spreading this "dung" around your property scares off Rabbits, Raccoons, Groundhogs, and even Deer.
Reply:Try marigolds. Also, we buy Irish Spring soap and cut it into chunks. Put the chunks in cheesecloth and hand from a pole in your garden (do several in your garden, not just one). They don't like the smell of Irish Spring so they stay away. Also, I've heard if you put human hair in your garden the deer will stay away. Ask you beautician next time you get your hair cut if you can have her clippings.
Reply:I plant marigolds and the deer here (upper MI) won't touch them. I also use Liquid Fence around my garden and flower beds and that keeps those pesty deer away. Keeps the other plant munching critters away too.
Reply:I do landscaping... I get a lot of specialty plants like deer- resistant through Michigan Bulb. They usually have a good selection.

What is the name of this yellow flower?

We ate a couple of times at this restaurant called Il Camino between Terni and Spoleto in Umbria. One night they gave us a little thing of flowers. It was yellow and the flowers were small and kind of poofy. I meant to ask what it was called, but forgot. It seemed like they grew sort of like baby's breath. Any clue what it might be called?

What is the name of this yellow flower?
I think you were given "mimosa": They are one of the first flowers of spring here in Italy and they are usually given out on March 8th, women's day. Here is a picture:
Reply:i think i know what your talking about. but its not clear, i mean these flowers you were given were edible or non edible? the ones i think you are talking about are non edible are given in some what like branches of them not one by one. the custom is that every woman is given one on the Day of the Women, which is celebrated i think in april, or around that period. so its common to see the ladies walking aroudn holding one on that special day. however, if i knew the name of the flower, id tell you, but if it comes to mind later on ill write it down.
Reply:the only flower i can think of, which is also yellow and a little bit poofy is taraxacum. which is eatable in salads and soups but mostly it's leaves are tasty. try to be more specific explaining how is that flower, maybe i will remember something ells, if no, i can cheek it for u in here.

try to copy the name of the flower and cheek if u recognize it in the images of yahoo.

Nice Nasturtiums

Watercress is cultivated mainly in Southern England and can also be found near fast-flowing streams. It is available all year round and its pungent peppery flavour adds a kick to salads.

* maybe its erba iva??? that is a small small flower yellow and wight, it has a great tast, bitter-sweet and u can put it in soups and salads and mostly fix a great alpin tea?

* or.... hehehe achillea????

* what the last answer u have recived is talking about is the mimosa, but it's not eatable.
Reply:I'm guessing but it was possibly courgette flowers as they are quite a delicacy in Italy. Usually they're dipped in a light batter and quickly deep fried. Not sure what baby's breath is.

Update: Ah, if they're tiny, probably not what I suggested then.
Reply:Another possible answer is "nasturtiums", a yellow or orange flower. They grow almost like a weed, very quickly, that is. They don't have a sweet scent, but they have a beautiful flower...


A garden plant with yellow, orange or red flowers?

11 characters long

A garden plant with yellow, orange or red flowers?
Reply:yellow,marigold,petunias,iris,foxtail lily,lupines,coneflower, primula,loosestrife,yarrow and my favorite is coreopsis

orange,red hotpoker,daylilys,sneezeweed,avens,mums,... lanterns,poppies,celosia,fritillaria(cro... and my favorite is calendula's

and red tulips ,dahlias,dianthus,roses,snapdragons,lupi... penstemon,nasturtium,gladiolus and my very favorite in mondardia.
Reply:Nancy Pelosi It's eleven letters.

Do hydrangeas come in yellow?

What other yellow flowers would you recommend? for a summer wedding?

I personally love hydrangeas because they make powerful statements as centerpieces

what do you think?

Do hydrangeas come in yellow?
I love hydrangeas and have them all over my yard. I've seen white ones and the standard "depends on the acidity of the soil" ones (blue, purple, pink) .. but I've never seen a yellow one unless they were tinted (like green carnations).

They're gorgeous no matter what color they are!

Buttercups (daffodils) are lovely yellow flowers.

Black-eyed susans, tulips, roses ...
Reply:NO. There color is between white, pink and blue and shades in between. The color is determined by the soil pH. so your pink hydrangea could under the right conditions become purple to blue, or the other way around.

I can't think of any yellow flowers for a wedding arrangement
Reply:I've never seen yellow hydrangeas. They come in a range of colors starting with blue, through violet, rose, and pale pink that almost verges on white, but they are almost always in the red-blue spectrum. You might be able to dye some yellow if you start with the almost-white hydrangea.

There are all sorts of day lilies in yellow, daisies, roses, and white lilacs can be dyed yellow.

Does a Dandelion start out as a yellow flower or the poofy seed thing kids make wishes with?

my one friend just will not believe me that it starts out as a yellow flower. and i just want to know which one of us is right. so like right as it grows out of the ground is a dandelion a yellow flower OR the poofy seed thing?

Does a Dandelion start out as a yellow flower or the poofy seed thing kids make wishes with?
It comes up as a tight green bud, opens into a bright yellow flower, then the flower withers and the poofy seed things develop, ready to carry the seeds somewhere else so the whole process can begin again.

You are 100% correct in this.

Where do you live that there aren't dandelions around to demonstrate? In our yard, they grow year round and they are very vigorous in their growth.
Reply:That "poofy" thing is a dead dandelion, which was yellow.
Reply:It starts out as the yellow flower. As it dies it changes into the poofy seed thing.
Reply:First of it starts out as a doesnt start out as a white puffly thingy ma boober and it doesn't start out as a yellow flower ahem cough-weed-cough. Anydoodles it has its own cycle and second why in the world do you care! You must be like really bored or somethin
Reply:The yellow flower is waiting to be pollinated. Then the " poofy " thing are the seeds of the plant being distributed.
Reply:The normal development of any flower is sprouting, budding, blooming (the flower) and going to seed.

The flower is used to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. They move from flower to flower and fertilize the female blooms with the male pollen. When that's done, the seeds can develop.

Dandelion seeds have "wings" because they are meant to be spread by the wind. Milkweed and yucca plants do the same thing. Cottonwood trees also have them.

Did you know that every part of the dandelion plant is edible? The young leaves can be added to salads. The blooms (flowers) can be fried in butter. You can even make dandelion wine from the plants. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW NO ONE HAS SPRAYED WEED KILLER ON THEM.
Reply:One of those seeds becomes a yellow flower and than turns into a bunch of seeds.

NY yellow cabs with painted flowers on them??

Whats the deal with that?? Why are most of the yellow cabs getting flowers painted on them?

NY yellow cabs with painted flowers on them??
Global warming?
Reply:They are?!? I dunno why then. I guess they want a feminine look on weird.
Reply:there will be 30,000 cabs (shrink wrapped) or wrapped with vinyl, like the do on race cars and buses, i wish I had that contract for that job $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Reply:to attract the aging hippy generation.

choosing shoe horns

I bought flowers for my mom for Mother's Day. They are pink and are turning yellow! What should I do?

They are in a vase filled with water. How can I get the yellow of them? How can I restore them back to their previous state of beauty?

I bought flowers for my mom for Mother's Day. They are pink and are turning yellow! What should I do?
If they start turning colors there isn't much you can do.

Return them to the store at which you bought them and get new ones.
Reply:You didn't change the water enough.
Reply:Mothers day was Sunday so they are probably spent
Reply:Get her new ones. Flower's don't last forever you know.
Reply:You can't do it naturally. But you can put food coloring in the water.
Reply:change the water and throw the yellow ones out. They are not going to last forever.

Wild vine growing in my yard, never seen before,small yellow flower clusters okra like seed pods only larger?

New vine has appeared in my yard.Dark green leaves with small clusters of yellow flowers.The seed pod is similar to an okra pod only larger.If anyone has info.on this vine I would love to hear from you.I live in TN.

Wild vine growing in my yard, never seen before,small yellow flower clusters okra like seed pods only larger?
If you did not plant it, destroy it. All vine like plants (weeds) will take over and destroy your landscaping.

Where can u find the yellow striped blanket & the yellow w/ small blue flowers sheet @ from You've Got Mail?

Starring Meg Ryan... And don't suggest Bed Bath And Beyond because I've already looked there :D

Where can u find the yellow striped blanket %26amp; the yellow w/ small blue flowers sheet @ from You've Got Mail?
Try any local fabric store. Or go to Ebay and look there.

Does anyone besides me grow squash in their front flower bed instead of flowers?

I like the looks of the squash plants - big and leafy with yellow the bonus of something to eventually eat. I plant acorn squash with seeds I save from squash I buy at the store.

Does anyone besides me grow squash in their front flower bed instead of flowers?
I love this!

I didn't do it this year, but want to next year.

In Portland, Oregon's Sellwood district tons of people have big old houses will small showy front yards.

Many of them have squash in the front flower beds. It's gorgeous.
Reply:Yes, I have seen this done and I too like the dark green leaves and the big flowers that are produced. It's a very unique way to not only get squash at the end of the season but also to brighten up your yard.
Reply:You DO know that's a really, really weird thing to do...

...but somehow practical, intelligent, and aesthetically charming. I think I like you.
Reply:I would if I had a garden, but I live in an apartment. I want lots of veggies in my yard someday.
Reply:i dont
Reply:Not in the front flower bed, but it is the star of my garden. What a gorgeous plant! And it is a true workhorse. Have you ever tried birdhouse personal favorite? Unlike most of its family, it gets a white five petaled blossom.
Reply:Nope. I have flowers in the front and a garden in the back. I don't know why I do it that way.
Reply:My mom does that. Big summer squash. It looks pretty.
Reply:i do, also and i grow corn and tomatoes and jalapenos and onions and cilantro.

choosing loops

Why is my yellow Calla Lily plant turning green?

I have a Calla Lily plant with yellow flowers. I keep it in front of my window that gets very good direct morning sunlight. It seems as though the yellow in the flowers is turning green and it's not blooming at all lately. It has been raining for the past week, could this be the reason? Why are the flowers turning green and why has it stopped blooming? Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

Why is my yellow Calla Lily plant turning green?
Green flowers usually mean an excess of nitrogen in the soil or plant food. Feed it with a potash-rich food to get it to produce more flowers, but don't overdo it.
Reply:Because you may have found your new love.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?

if certain places need a vendor's id, that's not an issue. this is for a cousin's wedding scheduled in november. we're looking for tropical - birds of paradise, plumeria - or yellow flowers in general.

Where can i find silk flowers wholesale in los angeles?
aldik (something like that) has a place in LA near Glendale, as you go over the RR tracks on Chevy Chase, coming from San Fernando Road, and half way down the first street to the left as you go over the tracks... or you might rent some from a nursery that supplies the studios... do a google for studio plant rentals
Reply:personally, i dont know. BUT you could try gooogle. i would google: silk flowers in los angeles. GOOD LUCK!!

What are the large yellow-flowering trees in Los Angeles called?

There are lots of these trees all over the LA area right now. They tend to be tall, the blossums are over the entire tree, and are a mustard yellow, the leaves are a pale minty color, and the bark is rough with vertical ridges.

Oh, and don't you love the Jacarandas right now? So beautiful!

What are the large yellow-flowering trees in Los Angeles called?
Here is a picture of a palo verde. Is this it?

Do the flowers on yellow daisy trees close at night?

What's a "daisy tree"? I am a long time gardener and never head of this. Could it be a Euryops plant? They get to be about 5 feet tall and have deep yellow blossoms.

Do the flowers on yellow daisy trees close at night?
my daisys don't close anytime,only when they die
Reply:Daisies go dry but never do shut down at night


Does there exist a tree that only has flowers and no leaves?

Down in Puerto Rico (tropical) Ive seen a tree in a few ocasions that never has leaves. It only has this big yellow flowers (like big roses, but it has a hibiscus look too) at the end of its branches. I wonder does it ever have leaves.

Does there exist a tree that only has flowers and no leaves?
Some plants don't have leaves, but instead have photosynthetic stems. The cactus is an example of this kindof a plant. It also uses the succulent stem to store water. Parasitic plants also often do not have leaves or the the leaves are rudimentary and not used for photosynthesis. They extract food from other plants and do not need to make their own food.
Reply:I agree with christy. it has flowers and no leaves
Reply:I think cherry blossoms. It has flowers.

Flowers that have red AND yellow petals? UK?

I know tulips can have but I'm looking for something other than tulips really as they're my favourite flowers and I'm looking for a flowery gift for my mother-in-law. According to father-in-law she only really likes flowers that have red and yellow petals together, at the same time, lol. Nothing like an awkward woman is there? Thanks in advance guys.

Flowers that have red AND yellow petals? UK?
Roses are frequently bicolor with red %26amp; yellow. Look to Cambridgeshire, Cha Cha, or the beautiful old single rose Austrian Copper. To add frgrance look for Shiela's Perfume, Bella'roma or French Perfume.

There is a miniature called baby Masquerade for small size.

Rio Samba both colors.

What about a rose that not only has red and yellow together but changes the amount of red and yellow as the blossom ages. Color changing has been used to great effect in some roses producing staged color shifts in roses like Joseph Coat, Mutabilis, Masquerade, Double Delight, or Flutterby that begin yellow and shift to cerise tones.

Joseph's Coat


For other flowers consider Snapdragons (Antirrhinums) they come in 'Floral Showers' red %26amp; yellow Bicolor

Dahlias also have bicolor options. Pooh is a collarette form

Asiatic lilies can be bicolor but never scented.

Tigerplay, or the vividly splashed Tiny Sensation

For fragrance the oriental hybrid are better. Lilliwaup is raspberry and gold

Sweetheart would be a good choice for color

The Iris Shelly Elizabeth is lemon and burgundy falls edged in gold

Caramba is another yellow with a purple red

Imaret, Kiosk or Omar's Gold are basically yellow with red signals but Omar's Gold is the darkest of the three

Noble Warrior is more striking but has three colors

Hemerocallis like Sir Mordred


I need recommendations for flowers for wedding bouquets. The colors are yellow and cream.?

I already know that I want daises, daffodills, and cream colored roses. I don't know what else, though. I was planning on going with artificial flowers to save money, and so I can keep them. So whatever suggestions you may have, please let me know!

I need recommendations for flowers for wedding bouquets. The colors are yellow and cream.?
Lilies would be gorgeous in that bouquet as you've planned it, there are several styles, stephanotis is another you might try (a bit stronger scent and lovely). Dendrobium orchids are another possibility.

Be sure to make a "throw away" bouquet for the bride so that you can keep the one you carried down the aisle.

Artificial flowers can definitely save you a great deal in cost and if arranged artistically you can't tell the difference in pictures or from the audience. If you live in a large city or near one (L.A. or San Francisco, NY, etc) you could also try a flower warehouse.

Be sure to have your bouquet dried so you can preserve it.

Congrats and best wishes.
Reply:Check out Michaels.
Reply:Luckily, you can find great flowers at craft stores. Often times they look very natural and are very reasonably priced. An option for you, due to the fact that you want daisies and daffodils, may be to create a natural bouquet. Daisies and daffodils are often regarded as "wildflowers". Begin the bouquet with the daisies and daffodils since you know that you want these included. Next, choose your roses - a tea rose would compliment the other flowers better than a larger bloom. For fillers, you could choose sprays of grasses in deep greens with white or gold highlights. Also, stems and/or sprays with berries is a beautiful compliment to your bouquet. A deep blue or violet would be perfect with the degrees of white in your daisies and roses. Also, you could incorporate vines, such as jasmine and honeysuckle to give the bouquet a wispy, romantic feel. Due to the type of flowers you began with, I would recommend hand tying the bouquet by wrapping a gold or ivory ribbon around the mid-section of the stems.

In addition, for bridesmaids, there are some excellent options. One large, long stemmed gerber daisy with a bow tied on the stem would be beautiful.

I hope this helps. Congratulations! Don't be afraid to use your imagination or experiment.
Reply:Maybe try to incorporate another colour other than yellow and white so that if the bridesmaids are wearing one of those colours, the flowers won't completely blend into their dresses in the pictures. A nice colour to go with yellow and cream are different shades of purple so you could add a few flowers in that way.
Reply:My advice is to go look at craft stores for the flowers you want in your boquet and then get some ideas on how you want to arrange them my mom grandmother and I put together my sister's boquet as well as the ones for the bridesmaids. I believe that the more you do yourself the more beautiful it will be. Good luck! And congratulations!

What type of plant grows on vines and produces lots of yellow flowers in the spring and looks like this?

This vine/shrub grows in our backyard. It's currently producing lots of yellow flowers and I have seen neighbors with them growing in their yards, so it has to be a popular plant. Below is current pictures of the plant in my backyard. I live in Lafayette, Louisiana...which is about 40 miles from the gulf coast.

What type of plant grows on vines and produces lots of yellow flowers in the spring and looks like this?
Carolina jassmine
Reply:sorry, chica...i dunno...

but they are pretty!!!
Reply:The flowers and buds look a lot like Abelia but I didn't know it came in yellow. Still that might be something to check into. Here's some sites to check into:

I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I hope you find it.
Reply:Carolina Jessamine?

Help!! In this same cactus, purple flowers are dominant to yellow flowers. A cactus that has both...?

... two-pronged and one-pronged spines has yellow flowers. It is crossed with a two-pronged cactus with purple flowers (heterozygous). What are the phenotypes of the offspring and in what proportion?

Help!! In this same cactus, purple flowers are dominant to yellow flowers. A cactus that has both...?
If I am understanding you correctly.

Purple cactus (heterozygote for the dominant purple flower )is crossed with a recessive yellow flower.

if P = purple and p = yellow

Pp x pp

offspring = Pp, Pp, pp and pp.

Phenotype would then = 2 purple and 2 yellow.
Reply:Assuming that these two are not linked genes and segregate separately: Two-pronged one-pronged purple, two-pronged purple, one-pronged purple, two-pronged one-pronged yellow, two-pronged yellow, and one-pronged yellow

Do dandelions really change from the little yellow flower to the white globular flower?

I always thought a dandelion was the little yellow flower, and that the white round one was the one where you blew off all the petals and made a wish was a completely different flower. Are they really the same flower?

If so, why and how do they change?

Do dandelions really change from the little yellow flower to the white globular flower?
They are the same. In dandelion each "petal" is actually an individual flower. Once each flower is fertilized the "petals" die away and the little tuft forms so that the seeds can be blown away to grow elsewhere.
Reply:the yellow flower is the immature seedpod/fruit and when it matures the seedpod dries and falls off leaving the fluff ball/ovary and the process is called turning to seed where those white fluffy floaters contain a seed that would grow into another plant if it landed in a spot with all the right variables to gernimate it. it's designed for aerial transport.

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What is the plant that has yellow flowers and that pop open about 10 pm and die by 10 am?

4 o'clocks

What is the plant that has yellow flowers and that pop open about 10 pm and die by 10 am?
You might be thinking of moon flowers which is a vine with large blossoms. More white than yellow in color. Terrific plant.

Dark Green Thick Leaf Plant with Yellow Flower Buds?

I was given a plant but don't know what type of plant it is or how to take care of it. Its got dark green elliptical leaves with yellow flower buds in clusters. If you know or have an idea of what plant it is attach a picture.

Dark Green Thick Leaf Plant with Yellow Flower Buds?
You might be able to type a description of the plant in Google and see if it brings up something. Or take it to a nursery and see if they can help you.

This web site might help you out - it's got pictures and information.
Reply:it sounds like a kalanchoe Report It

How do you know when green squash is ready for picking it has large leaves and i see these yellow flowers?

live in desert palmsprings planted 2 months ago

How do you know when green squash is ready for picking it has large leaves and i see these yellow flowers?
Some squash take up to 90 days to mature. Yellow Flowers should be present at the very start of fruit production. Wait for the foliage to die back some, the squash will consume the energy from the leaves. Pick when it can be dented by your fingernail. Happy Gardening~
Reply:what type of squash? Some can be picked whenever you want, or let them grow to be huge. Like zucchini -- they can be picked at 3 inches or 12 inches. Delicata -- the same way.
Reply:the yellow flowers are blooms and will make new squash you can start trying them probably at around 6 or 8 inches if they get too big they will be tough

What are the trees in my yard that drop flowers in the spring?

I have some hardwood trees in my yard that produce orange / yellow flowers every spring. The leaf is familiar looking, I don't believe it is oak or maple though. I live in Georgia, north of Atlanta.

What are the trees in my yard that drop flowers in the spring?
Does the leaf sort of look like a cat's head? If's a tulip tree.
Reply:Tulip Poplar

Reply:Without seeing it, it's hard to tell. Go to a local nursery and look for it there.
Reply:Maybe they're silk oaks. They produce orange/yellow flowers and are very messy.

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North american plant with white or yellow flowers of which the root was used to treat abdominal pain?

colicroot, good luck with the x-word !

North american plant with white or yellow flowers of which the root was used to treat abdominal pain?
The Angelica plant is used in the treatment of abdominal pain.

Other Names: Alexanders, American Dong Qui, Archangel, Purple-stem Angelica, American Angelica, High Angelica, Wild Archangel, Wild Angelica, Masterwort

Angelica is a a biennial or short lived perennial herb, and usually only blooms every two or three years. The flowers are yellow, greenish-white, or white.

Angelica is a tall, stout very ornamental and aromatic plant growing to a height of 4 to 6 feet or more. It is native to Eastern N. America, from Newfoundland to Ontario and Minnesota, south to Delaware, Illinois, Iowa and Tennessee.

What colors complement lavender and pale yellow?

I am repainting my house, and the main colors will be a very light, lavender-like purple and a very pale, soft yellow (I'm a fan of purple and yellow flowers). However, I don't want the entire house looking like purple and yellow, but I can't decide what other colors will match (for trim, closed-off rooms, et cetera). Any ideas on what colors might go well with these?

What colors complement lavender and pale yellow?
I think a green would look great with them. You like purple and yellow flowers...get the color of stems or grass green. Maybe a forest green or hunter green would work.
Reply:light blue
Reply:a lighter shade of brown would look really nice with lavender and pale yellow.
Reply:Choose colors that you like to look at.Sage or light green would be nice as well as a creamy white.Sounds as though you like soft pastels.A light blue would look good as well.Nothing wrong with keeping the same colors throughout the house,just change the accents colors in each room.

It works out well to choose three colors of the same value and use these throughout the house.
Reply:white or a muted gray.
Reply:trim i would do an antique white and the other room i would do a peach color it goes well with the two other colors.

Should I remove the male flowers from my cucumber plants and how do I know which is which?

I have two burpless cucumber plants they have yellow flowers close to the stem at the bottom of the plant and what look like mini cucumbers with flowers on the end that havent flowered yet. I have been told I have to remove the male flowers or the fruit will be bitter but which is which as if I remove the wrong one there will be no cucumbers. Please help!

Should I remove the male flowers from my cucumber plants and how do I know which is which?
The male flowers have no mini cucumbers and carry pollen, the female flowers have mini cucumbers and no pollen.

If you allow the fruit to be fertilised and produce seeds, they tend to be bitter. On the other hand, in several places I have seen it said that the flowers have to be fertilised, or they will drop off!

Have you ever bought a cucumber that doesn't have soft white seeds in the middle? I think they do need fertilising and that, perhaps, older varieties of cucumber did tend to become bitter.

If you leave all the flowers on, you will certainly get cucumbers!
Reply:The male flowers are the ones WITHOUT the mini cucumbers under the flowers.
Reply:If you are really good at removing the male flowers you will get no cucumbers. They are an essential part of the equation, have nothing to do with bitterness which can be avoided by growing the right varieties. You must be thinking about something else where you do want to remove the male flowers and prevent pollination :-)
Reply:I wouldn't worry too much about removing the male flowers to prevent bitter cukes. That sort of problem is usually caused by the plant not getting enough water while the fruit is growing.

As long as you keep the plant well watered, this shouldn't be an issue. They need about an inch of water a week, possibly more if you're living in a very warm place.
Reply:they need the mail plaint to be pollenatid
Reply:The female are the ones with the mini cucumber and they will only turn into cucumbers once they are pollinated. Bees usually do this by collecting pollen from the male flower and then going to the female flower. You can also pollinate it by using your finger or a Q-tip if you don't have alot of honey bees around. If you remove the male flowers, you will never have any cucumbers.
Reply:Lift their little leaves, and look to see if they are an innie or an outie
Reply:as usual you have to remove the male from the equation to get real results!!! Just look for the one doing nothing much but acting like they are doing it all shouldnt be too hard. good luck
Reply:the male flowers are on the end of stems with no swelling (fruit). with cucumbers, courgettes and marrows you would normally remove the male flower, if you dont you will still get the fruit but it may taste bitter.
Reply:Female plants generally have one larger reproductive body, known as a pistol, in the middle of them, which should be smooth and more or less free of pollen.

Male plants, on the other hand, should have multiple stamens, which are smaller than the pistol and are covered on the ends with a pretty solid coat of pollen.

If you want a better idea so you can make some visual comparisons, though, go here: